retinal care
The main goals of retinal care is to stop or slow the progression and preserve, improve or restore your vision. Early detection is vitality important, as in many cases, damage that has already occurred can't be reversed.
Age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of legal blindness in this country.
AMD is technically defined as an acquired macular disorder affecting patients 50 years of age. Early detection is key to preventing the progression of AMD. Having regular check-ups and routine visits allows our Good Doctors to see symptoms and provide treatments to help with this growing disorder.
AMD is technically defined as an acquired macular disorder affecting patients 50 years of age. Early detection is key to preventing the progression of AMD. Having regular check-ups and routine visits allows our Good Doctors to see symptoms and provide treatments to help with this growing disorder.
Dilated Eye Exam
To view the back of your retina, our Good Doctors dilates the pupils with eye drops. Dilation allows the doctor to study the retina for signs of disease and to determine if there is optic nerve damage.
Visual Acuity Test or Eye Chart Test
To measure your sight, our Good Doctors will provide testing of the eyes by having the patient look at a chart of letters/numbers/symbols to test measures of your sight from various distances.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
OCT is a noninvasive technique to image the retina. OCT produces cross-sectional images of the retina so that the different layers and their thicknesses can be measured. Our Good Doctors may suspect advanced dry AMD, as this technique can identify regions of the retina that are thinning, indicating the presence of geographic atrophy. Our Good Doctors will also routinely use this test to assess the retina's response to various treatments.